Emoji Library

While building out these mobile ads for our customers, we realized that adding personality and mimicking how people communicate through text can help with engagement. Two help streamline the process, we added an Emoji Library to our components.

Contributions: concept development, UI, user workflow, design, typography

Platform Redesign

This internal tool that helps us design and create mobile ads was created entirely by engineers. It works great, but it became hard to navigate once we added components and enhancements. It needed a redesign to categorize sections better and simplify workflow. So this is what I did to help:

1. Alternating title bands will help define sections and compile space for the whole menu.

2. Knocked-out text will add another dimension to the main sections’
names, standing out from the rest of the text.

3. Secondary section titles will have solid text treatment and slightly lighter text weight.

4. Editing Tabs - When one tab is clicked, the unused tab will reverse its color scheme and blend into the band.

5. Secondary Editing Tabs will be greyed out when not clicked on.

6. Colored dividing lines will still help with separating the tertiary sections but will not overpower those sections' titles. The line colors will match the primary color of the title bands.  

Contributions: concept development, UI, user workflow, design, typography